Feelings of stress and anxiety are much too common in this hectic world. Finding ways to cope with our emotional health is important to feel well in the physical body. Our emotional, mental, and physical states are powerfully linked, influencing important systems and even immune function.
The feelings of excitement or worry showing up in the physical body as stomach discomfort or increased heart rate are only small examples of how our mental and emotional health can greatly impact our physical health. Imagine what years of high stress and anxiety could do to the physical body and how that might show up. It is my belief that many physical complaints are a direct result of emotions stored in the body. If we can find ways to promote harmony in the mind we will find balance in the body.
Massage has a natural uplifting effect. The power of touch can heal, console, and even inspire all while boosting the body’s levels of oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine - the feel good hormones. During times of stress cortisol is released. Cortisol is an essential hormone that affects almost every organ in the body and plays many important roles such as regulating blood sugar and blood pressure, and helping to control sleep and wake cycles. If optimum cortisol levels are not maintained it can have negative impacts on overall health. From humans to animals safe touch lowers the levels of stress hormones, leading to decreased stress and anxiety and increased feelings of well-being.
The skin’s superficial sensory receptors are constantly gathering information from the outside world, communicating with the brain, and sending signals throughout the body. When we experience safe touch we stimulate the release of feel-good hormones that impact our body, mind, and spirit. The increased levels of dopamine and serotonin released can help regulate mood, reducing stress and anxiety.
Physical touch can even impact the function of your immune system, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. The benefits of this human connection are simply powerful, an important part of human survival.
As a massage therapist, I am saturated by touch. My work is created by offering something that every human requires and the therapeutic benefits for my clients and myself are profound. Living in a world, living in a time where our bodies are in a constant state of stress, exhaustion, and strain, touch has the incredible ability to calm and heal.
Stephanie McCutchin is a Licensed Massage Therapist and owner of Sakom Massage and Wellness. The word Sakom is inspired by the Menominee language and translates to extending peace to yourself and others. Creating a peaceful space for clients to relax, recharge, and recuperate is the main focus at Sakom. Stephanie’s practice is located in the heart of Lodi, Wisconsin. To learn more about massage and to book your appointment today call, 608-564-5330 or click here.